Skin care products can clog tub and shower drains

Bio Clean II 

Some folks with dry skin types will use lots of oily products for their skin and hair. These products get into the drain and cause clogs just like we would see in a kitchen sink. This did not dawn on me until one of our plumbers came in the other day and told us that the customer he just came from “would not have as many clogged showers if she didn’t wash vegetables in there!” He is funny guy and always puts a funny spin on everything –and as usual we had a good laugh. After he left I got to thinking about oil in the shower drain and realized these oily skin and hair products are probably causing many of the clogged shower drains that we get calls on. 

To stop using these products is not an option for our customers. Therefore, the only solution is using Bio-Clean to maintain drains before clogs appear.

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