Don’t Put it Down Your Drain: Starchy Foods

PotatoesRice, potatoes, noodles, and breads that are poured down a garbage disposal can clog a drain.  After being mashed up by the disposal, water is added as it is rinsed down the drain and travels down the pipe, then these starchy foods can turn into a paste and expand to clog and block any water from flowing past.

If you’re peeling more than one or two potatoes, don’t grind all of the peelings in the disposal.  Instead, throw the peelings in the garbage can or in a backyard compost heap.  If you find that your drain is getting slow or clogged because of an excess amount of starchy foods, use an enzyme cleaner such as Bio-Clean to break down the food particles.  Enzyme cleaners are especially important to homes with septic tanks too, so incorporate regular enzyme products into your tank’s maintenance.